SO... this is the Third part to the SCIENCE HOMEWORK series....
This is Charles Darwins, Theory of Evolution.
I have taken it in quite a literal sense, and gone with the effeminisation of men in our modern worlds! (HA!) From the gentelmen, through to the blokey man, metrosexual, and right on through to the YMCA loving man!
I was going to draw the whole form, but decided to follow just one item, ended up on the hat after trying the collars, and shoes.
Hopefully it makes sense to people. I AGAIN am happy with the actual image, but cant decide how to display it.. think its time to learn this. So here is a few versions of how i think i might end up putting it... I think that I like the peach (skin) coloured background and the dark grey hats, positioned at the top of a long page... hopefully showing the hats on non-existant heads?