Tuesday 21 December 2010

Christmas Pressie

So.. My brother has now got a new girlfriend who has a baby... and let's just say, Myself and him don't see eye to eye... much to my heartbreak. So.. This christmas I am going to meet his step child and new girlfriend for the first time... I made this for the baby and mum as a piece offering!
I hope they like it!!

I used little pearl beads for the flower centers.. which means it didn't scan very well... the background paper is much more green and it looks better in real...

Saturday 18 December 2010

6 Surrealist Images....

This cycle I have been in STATIC IMAGE. We were asked to produce 6 static images relating to the Surrealist movement, But not necessarily a 'surrealist' Image. For mine..I started looking at Fables and life's lessons... which lead me down a complicated path, in which I ended up producing two images with a surrealist twist, by means of their composition. For the remaining 4 images... I decided to follow the path of surrealist games, unknown to me, surrealist used games to produce images out of their own creativity... so i gave it a go! Please visit my research BLOG for the rules and more information about  PIMP MY ANIMAL and SPLICE MY ANIMAL.

Je Nes Menti Pas

This images is based upon the fable The boy who cried Wolf. Inspired by the image
 'Ceci nes pas une Pipe' 

A Leopard Can't Change its Spots.

This image... is tracing paper, punched with a pin with the image... the scan doesn't really do it justice.. because you can't feel it, but in real life.. it looks much better! 

A Beautician Giraffe from Poland.

Petty Criminal Pigeon from Trinidad.

2. plAtypus
3.aye Aye
4. aligator


Pedophile Clown Bear from Hollywood 

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Summer Photography

For my Birthday in May, I was given a LOVELY Pentax KM-1 35mm Camera, I love it very very much. Finally I have had a chance to scan in some of the photo's I have been taking, most of of people I know and have spent the summer with....

Let me know what you think!

I know this one has me in it as well, but I just love the composition and the contrast! 


This was a very comical moment at a Family Birthday party... the fake surgery scared the kids for months, but the adults (myself included) could barely contain their laughter! 

I know that these aren't technically the best shots, but it really captured a moment, on holiday with my dearest friends listening to soft acoustic music by fire light... bliss! 

Self Portrait...

So, Over the summer we were asked to make an 'alternative portrait'.

After a very long and quite tragic summer I felt a self portrait might be quite theraputic... I decided to think about what has made things hard, and alot of the time, it was inanimate objects that have effected my life...

Over the second year of my course, we settle into ourselves as designers more, and i feel like i wanted to start doing more 3 dimentional stuff, as thats something i have always loved making...

So this is my attempt of a self portrait, Inanimate mess...

Thursday 3 June 2010

So hopefully this will upload! I still need to put a soundtrack with it... so watch this space!

Wednesday 26 May 2010


My Prediction of the future....

We were set the most unbelievably stupid project... to predict our careers and how we would get there... at first it made me angry... HOW DO I KNOW WHAT I AM GOING TO BE DOING IN TEN YEARS?!
Then i realised, ok its stupid. but its also very funny, so i thought, if they really want me to do this, im going to make it just a little bit silly to read whilst still forfilling the brief!

anyway.. see what you think?!
p.s can anyone actually BARE to read something written in the 3rd person.. about careers!?

Tuesday 18 May 2010


So! this is our film project.. I work collabritivly with Nerissa Parker, Ashley Lynn and Fiona Makenzie!! We had so much fun making a version of the Legend of Blabdud!

Monday 15 March 2010


So. Once again, here I am updating this bleeding project!!! But these are the three final images for each theory.




Sunday 14 March 2010


So... I think this might be the final???

OK... FINAL POST!! I think i like this one more....


does this work?


SO... What do you think with the beards?!

Perhaps with a timeline? I dont know.... feels a bit too literal? Cant seem to get this one right!


SO... this is the Third part to the SCIENCE HOMEWORK series....

This is Charles Darwins, Theory of Evolution.
I have taken it in quite a literal sense, and gone with the effeminisation of men in our modern worlds! (HA!) From the gentelmen, through to the blokey man, metrosexual, and right on through to the YMCA loving man!
I was going to draw the whole form, but decided to follow just one item, ended up on the hat after trying the collars, and shoes.

Hopefully it makes sense to people. I AGAIN am happy with the actual image, but cant decide how to display it.. think its time to learn this. So here is a few versions of how i think i might end up putting it... I think that I like the peach (skin) coloured background and the dark grey hats, positioned at the top of a long page... hopefully showing the hats on non-existant heads?

Saturday 13 March 2010

PIE take two!

After some chat's with people? Is This better?!

I have changed the alignment of the pie and the pint, so that they line up with the stomach and the 'moobs' of the man... think it works better!

I am going to print this onto fabric, make a little flag! haha


So... continuing from this weeks SCIENCE HOMEWORK brief... this is my take on Pythagorus' theorem....

Im not sure about the background.... for some reason a union jack seems to come to mind?! What do you think?!

Friday 12 March 2010


So... This week... we have been doing some typography.. We had to go and record 2 mins of street noise, then right down every single sound we could hear in our own phonetic language.
We were then asked to sequence the words in order of time, volume, quality, and other such wonderful things.

Then we were asked to make a 'CODEX' which turns out to be a book... with our own design, using only one font family.

This is what I came up with, there was a re-occuring noise of the microphone feedback, and i have focused on that particular noise throughout the 'codex'.